BISP Introduction to the New Addition of 700,000 Beneficiaries
Here in this article is the latest update for all the poor families of Pakistan. Who are eligible for the Benazir Kafalat program but have not been able to register in the program yet. So now let us tell you that BISP Chairperson Rubina Khalid has announced new registration in Benazir Kafalat Program through BISP Tehsil Office.
Rubina Khalid said in a recent meeting that as soon as the government passed the BISP new budget for 2024-25. So at the same time 700,000 new BISP Beneficiaries were added in BISP. Therefore, if you also did not register in this program due to ineligibility and did not receive the financial assistance amount. So now is another chance for you so fulfill the eligibility criteria of this program and get your registration done.
How to Register for the BISP Kafalat Program
New registration of eligible women in Benazir Kafalat program has been started. First of all you have to check your CNIC number on BISP portal. For this purpose you visit the official website of BISP. And check your eligibility status from the web portal. If you are told that you can benefit from this program.
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So you can go to your nearest BISP tehsil office and get your BISP dynamic survey done. After that you will be given the financial assistance amount for the beneficiaries 700000 new registration has been announced by the government. That they enter their phone number in the list of beneficiaries. So that whenever they make their payment, they will receive a message from 8171 on the same number. By following which you can also receive financial assistance.

Eligibility Criteria for BISP Kafalat Program
BISP is not made for all people of Pakistan. Rather, this program has been created by the government to help poor and deserving families. So that people living in poverty are given financial assistance and encouraged that the government is with them. So only those who are fulfilling the eligibility criteria can join this program. You can also check this eligibility criteria:
- Your poverty score should be less than 35%
- Your monthly income should be less than your expenses
- You belong to a poor family
- No member of your household should be a government employee
- You must have a National Identity Card
- No business or land registered in your name
- You have never traveled abroad
- You must be a resident of Pakistan
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Registration Date for New 700,000 Beneficiaries
Registration in Benazir Income Support Program has been announced especially for poor people. Who can afford the necessities of life. 9.3 million beneficiaries are receiving assistance under the Benazir Kafalat programme. And the next year’s BISP budget has been increased further by adding 7 million new beneficiaries.
If you wish to register for the new installment of BISP Income Support Programme. So you have to go to your local tehsil office. Remember, the registration date for 70 thousand beneficiaries is 31st September.. So you have completed the registration process. Once you get your dyna mic survey done, you will be paid by the government.
The registration procedure is very easy which is as follows:
- Visit the actual BISP Tehsil Center in your district
- Visit the Registration Desk for BISP Dynamic survey
- Present your CNIC card and your child’s Bay Form to the employee working at the counter
- You will then receive a token from the staff for updated or new surveys
- According to which you will be called to the registration room
- Then where the data entry operator will ask you about your personal and financial details.
- You have to complete your thumb verification after completing the application form
- A confirmation email can then be sent to eligible families by BISP 8171 confirming their acceptance to the program.
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How to Check Your Eligibility Status
Check the eligibility status for new Benazir Kafalat payments. If you want to check your CNIC number through 8171. Then go to the message box of your mobile and type your CNIC number which is 14 digits without spaces. And send this message to 8171. Another way is to go to the 8171 web portal and enter your CNIC number in the first field of the portal. And in the second field, enter the picture code and press the check button, so you can check your eligibility status at home.
Required Documents for BISP Registration
Registration for new 700,000 beneficiaries Remember to carry the following documents:
- Original CNIC Card
- Mobile Number (Valid)
- Children’s B Form/Birth Certificate
- Your passport size photograph
- Your household utility/gas/electricity bills
- Disability certificate for disabled persons
BISP Payment Distribution Process for New Beneficiaries
7 million new beneficiaries joining BISP will be disbursed through six banks. BISP Director Naveed Akbar and BISP Chairperson Rubina Khalid have approved the new payment system. That the next installments of BISP will be given by the government to the poor from six banks, which will include six banks. If you want to get the details of these banks, click on the link below. And get complete details at home from which bank you can avail financial aid amount. And how to get your money without breaking anyone.
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